
Inside Out: The Emotional Story Preview

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Meanwhile, Riley and her parents are eating Chinese food for dinner. But Riley is just poking at her food with a fork with a bored look on her face.

Disgust: Riley is acting so weird. Why is she acting so weird?

Anger: Well, what do you expect? All the islands are down!

Contempt: I agree! What else is there to do!?

Pride: We need a rightful solution to deal situations like this one.

Worry: Yes, but how?

Trust: If I were Joy, I would definitely keep Riley happy on the correct solution.

Frustration: (to Trust) Well, Joy isn't here, is she?!

Fear: That's it! Until she gets back, we just do what Joy would do!

Pride: Boy, you have took those words out of my mouth.

Clever: Fear you're a genius!

Trust: (nods)

Disgust: Great idea. Pride, Trust, Frustration, Worry, Love, Clever, Clarity, Insanity, Contempt, Boredom, Envy, Peace, Anger, Fear, Disgust. HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO BE HAPPY?!

Frustration: Hey, don't get fresh with us, sister. It's not our faults that Joy and the others got sucked out of HQ.

Love: Now, darlings, take it easy. We'll get through this together, I just knew it.

All of a sudden, they hear Riley's mom.

Contempt: Mom's talking to us!

Riley's Mom: Hey, Riley, I've got good news. I found a junior hockey league right here in San Francisco and get this. Tryouts are tomorrow after school. What luck, right?

Anger: Hockey?

Trust: (looks at the faded grey Hockey Island) Oh, my, well, that would be something Interest would do. Let's do something what Interest does. (pushes buttons but it does not work) Huh? Its not working!

Contempt: Probably because you're not Interest!

Pride: Let me give it a go. (pushes a button also but doesn't work either) That's odd.

Love: (cranks a lever but to no avail) It doesn't work for me either.

Disgust: Uh oh. What do we do?

Fear: Guys. (stammers and looks at Disgust) You-you-you pretend to be Joy! (pushes her to the front of the console)

Frustration: And hurry, we haven't got all day.

Riley's Mom: Wouldn't that be great to be back on the ice?

Disgust: (pushes a button and turns the switch)

Riley: (sarcastically) Oh Yeah, sounds fantastic.

Riley's Mom is baffled.

Fear: (to Disgust) What was that?! That wasn't anything like Joy!

Disgust: (to Fear) Uh, because I'm not Joy?

Fear: (to Disgust) Yeah, no kidding!

Worry: (to Fear & Disgust) But at least the console works for her. That's good, right?

Frustration: Pfft. Yeah, right.

The camera zooms into Riley's mom's mind, where we see HER emotions.

Mom's Sadness: Did you guys pick up on that?

Mom's Emotions: Mmm-hmm./Sure did./Totally.

Mom's Disgust: Something's wrong.

Mom's Anger: Should we ask her?

Mom's Sadness: Let's prob, (to Joy) but keep it settled, so that she doesn't noticed.

Mom's Joy: (agrees and touches the buttons and switches)

Riley's Mom: So, Riley. How was the first day of school?

In Riley's mind..

Anger: She's probing us.

Frustration: (face-palms) I hate it when she does that.

Disgust: That's it, I'm done. (to Fear) You pretend to be Joy. (shoves him to the console)

Fear: Wha? Ok, um..(then presses the button)

Riley: (feels uneasy) It was fine, I guess. I..I don't know.

Disgust: (to Fear) Oh, very smooth. That was just like Joy.

Contempt: (to Fear) Yeah. You're a natural.

Envy: (to Fear) Well, it was a little better at least.

Back in Riley's mom's mind...

Mom's Worry: What happened to our happy girl?

Mom's Disgust: She never acted this way before.

Mom's Trust: First days are usually the hardest.

Mom's Anger: Something's definitely going on.

Mom's Smartness: We need a new strategy.

Mom's Wacky: But what?

Mom's Sadness: We're gonna find out what's happening, but we'll need support. (to Smartness) Signal the husband.

Mom's Smartness: Signaling. (pushes a button)

Riley's Mom: (looks at her husband) Ahem!

In Riley's Dad's mind, HIS emotions are watching a hockey game memory, not paying attention to Riley's mom.

Riley's Mom: Ahem!

Riley's Dad takes a look at his wife.

Dad's Smartness: (taps Anger on the shoulder because he sees the side of the screen) Captain!

Dad's Anger: (realizes it) Huh, oh, uh oh, She's looking at us! (closes the hockey game memory) (to Fear) What did she say?

Dad's Fear: Huh? Oh, uh, sorry sir, no one's listening.

Dad's Trust: Yeah, sorry.

Dad's Anger: Is it garbage night? We left the toilet seat up. What? What is it woman, what!?

(back with mom's emotions)

Mom's Frustration: (gets annoyed) He's at it again.

Mom's Disgust: (gets annoyed also) Yeah, he's making that stupid face again.

Mom's Anger: (getting ticked off) I could strangle him right now.

Mom's Love: (stops her) Hang on, darling. Give him a chance.

Mom's Contempt: Now what?

Mom's Sadness: (to Smartness) Signal him again.

Mom's Smartness: (signals him again)

Riley's mom motions to Riley. Back in Riley's dad's mind...

Dad's Interest: (to Anger) She appears to be motioning to the daughter, sergeant! I'll handle this. (turns a dial)

Riley's Dad: Ah! So, Riley, how was school?

Back in Riley's mom's mind...

Mom's Emotions: Ugh!/Seriously?!/You've gotta be kidding me!/He does this all the time!

Mom's Contempt: God, I hate him so very badly!

Mom's Frustration: I'd love to tear off that stinkin' mustache!

Mom's Anger: For this we gave up that Brazilian helicopter pilot?!

Mom's Surprise: I wonder if it's too late for a divorce.

Back in Riley's mind...

Worry: Maybe Peace should be Joy!

Boredom: (to Worry) I don't think so. (points to another side of the room) Look at her.

Peace is sitting in the corner, high on bong smoke.

Worry: I see your point. What about Clarity?

Clever: (to Clarity) Hey, Clair! Can you take control on Riley and try to be like Joy?

Clarity: (puts a trey of muffins on the counter after she took them out of the oven) What!? How would I do that? I'm a house maid! Not a happy feeling worker! I'm not an emotion!

Frustration: (gets ticked off) Nothing is working, and Dad's making it worse! Alright, I'll handle this. (goes to the console)

Insanity: This is gonna be good.

Trust: Wait, what are you doing?

Worry: (gets worried) Frustration, no!

Frustration: (turns two switches upwards)

Riley: (gets a little frustrated) School is great, alright!?

Riley's Mom: Riley! Is everything okay?

Frustration: Well, since you asked, it's time for the eyeroll!

Worry: (to Frustration) Not at mom!

Frustration: (to Worry) Correct. Not at mom.

Worry: Phew!

Frustration: (turns a crank) At our idiot dad!

Riley: (rolling her eyes at Dad) Ugh!

Dad's Smartness: (gasps) Did our own daughter just rolled her eyes at us?

Dad's Laughter: It's not funny.

Dad's Fear: It looks like she did. (to Anger) Sir, she just rolled her eyes at us!

Dad's Anger: What is her deal? Alright, make her show force, I don't want to have to put the foot down.

The rest of Dad's emotions: (gasped)

Dad's Fear: No..not the foot!

Dad's Worry: (gets worried) Please, sir. Anything but the foot!

Dad's Anger: Yes the foot, (to Contempt) give that girl a warning.

Dad's Contempt: (start to give Riley a warning)

Riley's Dad: Riley, I do not like this attitude.

Back with Riley's emotions,

Anger: Oh, I'll show you attitude old man.

Frustration: (smiles a little) Oh, this will be very good, go for it Anger!

Worry: This cannot end well.

Fear: (to Anger) No, nonono! Stay happy!

Anger: (punches Fear out of the way and presses a button hard, causing two levers to pop up)

Worry: Oh no! Not the levers!

Riley: (gets upset) What is your problem!? Just leave me alone! (then looks down)

Dad's Fear: (to Anger) Sir, we're reporting the high level of sass.

Dad's Anger: Take it to death condu.

Dad's Surprise: (to everyone else) You heard him gentleman, death condu!

Riley's dad's emotions get right on it!

Riley's Dad: Listen, young lady, I don't know where this disrespectful attitude came from.

Boredom: (lying on the couch) Who cares where it came from?

Pride: (to Love, Clever & Trust) We have to do something!

Trust: That's right!

Love: (nods) I agree!

Clever: Me too!

Anger: (about to blow his top off) Oh, do you wanna piece of this, pops!? Come and get it!!

Trust: (runs over to stop Anger along with Clever, Pride and Love) Don't do this amigo! It's not worth it!

Frustration: (runs over the four emotions and tackles them) Oh no you don't! You're not stopping this time! (to Insanity, and Contempt) Guys, get over here and help me stop them!

The two other emotions: (came to stop Clever, Pride, Love and Trust and pin them down)

Riley: (agitated) Yeah? Well... Well...


Frustration: (to Worry) Forget it, Worry. You know you can't stop Anger.

Worry: But Dad will put the foot down! I just know it!

Frustration: He wouldn't.

In dad's mind...

Dad's Anger: Here it comes! Prepare the foot!

Dad's Fear: Keys deceptive to possession.

All the Dad's emotions: (launch the keys in the holes, turn them and unlock the big red button as it comes up)

Dad's Fear: (puts his hand above the button to press it) Ready to launch on your command sir!

(back with Riley's emotions)

Trust: No, Anger! Don't do it!

Frustration: (to Trust) Shut up! (to Anger) Yeah, Anger! Do it! Do it strong!

Anger: (pushes two levers forward at the same time as he blows his top off)

Riley: (snaps) JUST SHUT UP!! (bangs the table)

Riley's Dad: (makes an angry face)


Dad's Anger: FIRE!!!

Dad's Fear pushes the button, releasing the foot!

Riley's Dad: That's it! Go to your room!

Riley: (looks at her father with shock)

Riley's Dad: Now!

Riley grumbles as she storms upstairs.

Dad's Surprise: It worked!

Dad's Fear: The foot is down, the foot IS down!

All of the Dad's emotions: (cheered)

Dad's Anger: (sits down and relaxes happily) Good job gentleman, that could've been a real disaster.

With Mom's emotions..

All of them: (shocked, horrified, upset and disappointed)

Mom's Sadness: Well, that was a disaster.

Mom's Anger: (pushes a button to bring up the Brazilian Helicopter Pilot memory)

Brazilian Helicopter Pilot: Come, fly with me, gatcheena.

Mom's Emotions: (sighs happily)

Riley enters her room and slams the door.

Worry: (to Frustration) I told you he'd put the foot down, but you didn't listen to me! (shakes her) WHY DIDN'T YOU LISTEN TO ME?!?!?!?!?!

Frustration: (points to the windows) WORRY, GO TO YOUR QUIET PLACE!

Worry goes over to the windows and looks through them, scared to death.

Worry: Oh, Joy. Please please please hurry back!
A quick preview for the upcoming fan-fiction, Inside Out: The Emotional Story.
This fan-fiction you're about to see will be like the Inside Out movie itself, but it'll require some characters that're owned by some IO fans. So, I'll give them credit when I do so. I hope you like it. ^^

Inside Out with Original Characters @ Pixar and Disney
Pride, Trust, Frustration, Worry, Love, Clever, and Clarity @ :iconkajeetdudeskatie:
Boredom, Envy, and Peace @ :icontakoyamafan23:
Insanity @ :iconxxnightcorepunkxx:
Contempt @ :iconflowersarepretty:
Riley's Mom and Dad's versions of the OC Emotions @ :iconfreshlybaked2014:
© 2015 - 2024 KatieGirlsForever
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